The ETIS-PLUS study was carried out between 2009 and 2012 on behalf of DG-TREN by consultants: NEA (NL), ISIS (IT), TRT (IT), MKmetric (DE), NESTEAR (FR), IWW (DE), STRATEC (BE), NTU (DK), STRATA (DE), (PT), TNO (NL), TETRAPLAN (DK), NTUA (GR), OBET (PL), ITC (BG), DEMIS (NL), UNIZA University of Zilina (SK)

Read the final technical report

ETIS-PLUS updated the (European Transport Information System) ETIS-BASE database by providing new databases for 2005 and 2010 base years, and an online plaform for sharing and editing the data (designed by partners DEMIS). Earlier DG-MOVE had been building a Europe-wide transport model (Transtools) so it was necessary to update the information originally collected for the year 2000 in ETIS-BASE. This project created a large data repository covering a wide range of transport-related information, including O/D matrices and multimodal networks. To date this is the most recent database of its kind (an IPR-free database for transport policy and transport models), and it is still widely used.

The ETIS-PLUS data portal is no longer active unfortunately, but the data deliverables are still available via DEMIS.

Access to the ETISplus Databases

These archives contain copies of the ETIS-PLUS data in the form of Microsoft SQl-Server archive blocks, and as text files. Descriptions of the data are in the technical report

ETIS Concept